Download Your White Paper | Microsoft SharePoint vs. Enterprise Content Management
A white paper from DocStar
Read this white paper to compare Microsoft SharePoint with Enterprise Content Management
Benefits of Microsoft SharePoint
SharePoint gives businesses tools to manage, access, and store many different types of content. Easy to deploy and easy to use, SharePoint is known for its ability to handle managed metadata with robust basic functionality.
Benefits of ECM
When it comes to capturing, managing, accessing, integrating, measuring, and storing the information your business needs, the more complex your business, the more you need a dedicated ECM solution
Microsoft SharePoint vs. ECM
People create 2.5 quintillion bytes of data every day, and much of it is unstructured in the form of documents, email, faxes, etc. This data provides crucial insights and drives your business processes. How you manage this content plays a vital role in the success of your organization.